Ranma Hentai

Futanari Ranma Story: "Camping 3"

Ranma 1/2: Camping

Third night

Ranma was sleeping in his bag again that night. He was wearing
only his boxers and muscle shirt like normal since, wearing all his
clothes didn’t do him any good anyway. Akane was awake still. She wasn’t
planing on doing anything tonight, but she just couldn’t get to sleep. Her
mind was formulating a plan to amuse herself with Ranma again. The only
problem was that after last night, she wasn’t sure if it would work.
She was worried about Ranma biting again, and if she did what she
was thinking, it would hurt her a hell of a lot more than last time. His
mouth would be at a much more sensitive spot on her body.
Akane decided that the danger was a risk she was willing to take.
She undid her jammies and stripped them off. She proceeded to slide her
panties off her legs so she was totally nude. She stood up and stretched.
She thought. She was now laughing so hard she could
help what happened. She pissed….right into Ranma s mouth.
Ranma started to choke on Akane’s urine. It was not exactly
pleasant. Akane started to laugh again when Ranma couldn’t move because
of her positioning. Ranma tried to spit out as much of the yellow water
as he could, but he still swallowed most of it. Ranma started to make
weird sounds.
Akane stopped laughing when she realized Ranma was choking. She
got off him, and started pounding on his back. He coughed up the urine
and lost conscience. Akane checked to make sure he was still breathing
and his heart was beating. Everything on Ranma was working fine.
she asked herself.

Ranma awoke the next morning and smelled something really bad. It
took him a few minutes to realize he was smelling himself. he asked himself.
He looked at himself and realized he was naked also. Ranma sat up as he
thought and his face was full of panic. He looked over at Akane to make
sure she was still asleep. She was. He got up, grabbed some clothes and
went out to wash up in the lake.
Akane laughed as soon as Ranma was gone. His panicked look was
just so funny to watch. She
said to herself.
Ranma-chan was in the cold lake washing her body as best she
could. “What is going on with me?” She asked aloud. “I’ve had more
sexual dreams in the last three nights than I’ve had in a month.” She
paused a moment thinking back. “Although they were good, at least the one’s
with Akane.” She absently put her hand on her breast and massaged it.
“What the…?” She said when she realized what she was doing. Ranma-chan
quickly stopped.
A few minutes later she was out of the water and drying off. A
cold breeze blew by and froze her, causing her nipples to get hard. It
was a strange and sexually feeling. She touched her nipples and played
with them a little. She thought. Something in her mind clicked.
Thought’s from last night drifted into her head. He was positive something was up.
“I’ve never realized I was dreaming in a dream before.” He paused
again. “But the alternative is impossible.”

That evening Ranma, now back in his male form. cooked dinner while
Akane gathered some more firewood. Ranma had been training pretty hard
all day and was very hungry. He wanted to make sure that he could eat his
food too. That was why he volunteered to cook. Akane was all too happy
to let him too. She had been giving him that strange smile again.
When Akane returned, Ranma served up some rice with meat and
vegetables. The two ate everything that was cooked. Akane then cleaned
off the dishes while Ranma prepared the tent for that night.

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